Sweet Leaf - Sauropus androgynus Aug 23, 2023

Keynotes: Use as shrub layer in food forest or hedge, poultry feed, medicinal, eat leaves and flowers. 

In my household, this plant is referred to as daddy's leaf. Why? Blake, EartheArtisan wou...

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Mushroom Plant ~ Rungia Klossii Aug 23, 2023

Keynotes: Herbaceous layer, protects soil from erosion, use as edging, plant into shaded areas, eat leaves. 

For any that doesn't like to or can't drink milk, this plant is a great way ally for...

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What is Permaculture Herbalism? Aug 14, 2023

Are you interested in plant medicine? 

I have leaned on the power of plants to heal from illness, improve my overall health and during the recent years, to support me through mental and emo...

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Ceylon Spinach - Basella alba/rubra Apr 18, 2023

Keynotes: Vine layer, ground or vertical climber, dye, protects the soil, poultry fodder, eat leaves.

This is a wet season must-have. It will grow rampantly over a trellis or sprawl over a bed, so us...

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Aibika -  Abelmoschus manihot Apr 18, 2023

Keynotes: Plant in shrub layer of a food forest, protects the soil, can eat leaves, high in silica used for compost teas.

I have 2 varieties in my garden; the red-stemmed wide leaf featured in the im...

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Tropical Planting Guide - A List of Plants Annual Vegetable Gardening Mar 31, 2023

Tropical gardening can be easy if you know what you are doing. It is true to say that it is a whole different experience to temperate climates in which much of the information out there teaches. This ...

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Elderberry, The Medicine Plant Jun 16, 2022

I recently took out all the frozen berries that I had harvested over the last few months and made elderberry cough syrup. It's a yearly kitchen session that I look forward to once I have loaded up a b...

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